Saturday, January 9, 2016

Tim's Gourmet Piri Piri Sauce, Extra Hot, Carolina Reaper Review

I received this product at a discounted rate for my honest & unbiased review. I recently found this Piri Piri hot sauce and had to get it for my hubby! He LOVES hot sauce...the hotter the better for him! Me, not so much. We had recently been on a trip to London and went to a restaurant called Nando's where they use Piri Piri sauce and he LOVED it! I found it to be way too hot for me and couldn't eat the chicken, but that is just ME. So, when I saw this Piri Piri sauce, here in the states, I knew he was going to love it! When the sauce got here, he immediately HAD to try it. He put a small drop on a cracker at first to see how hot it really was. He said it was not that bad....I decided to taste a VERY SMALL drop of it and I thought it was hot, but then again; I am a wimp when it comes to hot. He LOVED the flavor though!! He has since been putting it on just about everything he eats. He said the flavor is incredible, but that the sauce is not as HOT as he thought it was going to be. It has a "good" heat in his opinion, but again, the flavor is amazing. So, if you like hot sauces then this is a great tasting one!! If you eat a lot of hot sauces then you too may not find this "hot enough", but if you are like me and don't really use hot sauce that much, then this hot sauce will probably be hot for you. I would definitely recommend this to my friends/family that love to spice things up with good flavor. Order yours here: Piri Piri Hot Sauce

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