Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Chambuu Charcoal Oil Blotting Sheets Review

I received this product at a discounted rate for my honest & unbiased review. I tend to get oily skin around my nose and on my forehead, but sometimes washing can dry it out too much, so when I found these charcoal oil blotting sheets...I really wanted to try them. You will get 2 packages of blotting sheets with 100 sheets each for a total of 200 sheets! These should last me a good while as they recommend not over using these each day. These sheets are super absorbent!! I used one sheet and got quite a bit of oil off my T-zone. It says you can even use them when wearing makeup; however, I do not wear makeup much. I was very amazed at just how much oil these sheets can hold. If you have oily skin these little charcoal sheets are awesome to dry your skin. I would definitely recommend these to anyone who has oily skin!! Get yours here: Oil Blotting Sheets

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