Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Ergonflow Foam Roller Review

I received this product at a discounted rate for my honest & unbiased review. This foam roller is tube shaped to help self-massage your back and legs and get out those knots and tight spots. They are great to use to warm up before working out, as well as, afterwards for recovery. They also help anyone looking to improve their flexibility and muscle health! This foam roller is a double layer round softer foam roller. It definitely does a good job, but seems like it will wear down after a lot of use; it is one of the better soft foam rollers I have come across though! It is 6" X 36'' length and has a thick foam that seems like it will last longer than some other foam rollers. I would imagine that the heavier you are the less likely it is to last as long. You can use it either vertically along your back, so you are rolling side to side OR you can turn it horizontally and use it to roll up and down your back and legs. It is great for people who have back issues to really loosen up those muscles before and after working out! I would definitely recommend this as a good foam roller. Get yours here: Foam Roller


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